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Randy receives a Mystery Box for review!

Randy of AFTimes

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Randy here, Boy, was I surprised to see this box arrive at my door! And busting the box openm I was met by this imposing crate!

(Sorry for the heaving breathing!)

And the crate reveals... a whole box of Indiana Jones products!

I'm not used to receiving anything from Hasbro, let alone #freeproduct for reviews.

This box has an overview of the earlier products from the Indian Jones line, including collector (Adventure Series & Retro figures), kids (Worlds of Adventure), prop replica (Headpiece of the staff of Ra) and role-playing (Action Crackin' Whip).

I have to say, that Whip Acton Indy is a real surprise for me. The audio clips it is using has phrases from previous Indiana Jones films, and it SURE sounds like Harrision Ford to me!

But what I've been looking forward to the most was the Adventure Series of 6 in figures (which I predicted back mid-2022!

I'll be doing a separate review of the Indiana Jones Adventure Series 1 figures shortly.

AND get to build the Ark of the Covenant! Maybe even one more figure that Hasbro DIDN'T send me...

(Thanks for Hasbro for sending me this product.)

Be seeing you, RANDY


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