Well, this bodes well for clearing all 3 Tiers before the end of the crowdfund deadline. Though I AM hoping that a 4th figure is brought out. The first Tier of patches is... well, WEAK, imo.
From Hasbro Pulse: "Well it’s no ssssurprise we have sssscores of new recruits for our Cobra Airborne lining up for the opportunity to join our cause. They’ve already fully funded our Cobra Rattler HasLab in lessss than 24 hours. Once we reach 11,000 backer orders those brave recruits will unlock the first sssstretch goal: Cobra Airborne Squadron Patches. Let’ssss continue our steady ascent, shall we, and rocket through any enemy flak to ssssoar past Tier 1 and beyond. I see clear skiessss ahead.
Hasbro Pulse is offering you the opportunity to back the proposed Crowdfunded Haslab: G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra Rattler Ground Attack Jet. The offering for $324.99 and the plus applicable taxes in the U.S.. Standard shipping and handling to the contiguous United States included for Hasbro Pulse Premium members. Shipping and handling charges will be calculated at the time of checkout for non-Hasbro Pulse Premium members. No P.O. Boxes. See local HasbroPulse.com for regional pricing and shipping and handling information. If this campaign reaches its minimum goal of 9,000 backers by that date, your payment method will be charged. Orders are estimated to ship Fall 2025.
#HasbroPulse #Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeClassifiedSeries #ClassifiedSeries #HasLab #Cobra #CobraRattler #Rattler #GIJoeFans #ActionFigures #GIJoeToys #Crowdfund